Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Moving already!

Okay, we have some issues with the Blog not working for all those who are interested. SOOOO, we're moving to a listserv. The NNLM/NER (National Network of Libraries of Medicine/Northeast Region) has offered to host (THANK YOU!). It will be up & running shortly, so continue to check in here til you hear otherwise. If you want to use a different e-mail address for the listserv, let me know ASAP.
And so it goes....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Journals: Core list for Rehab Hospitals

I am in the process of updating and refactoring the tiers for the journals. To make sure I don't miss anything, please send me your "Top Ten" list (or your "Top 5") so I can ensure that the list is representative of the diverse institutional needs of our group...or at least to the degree that is humanly possible!

Friday, June 6, 2008


The Blog is only as useful as we make it.  So, remember to check in, post, and keep it active.  Chris Sato has an outstanding question upon which you might be able to comment.

Does anyone have the ISI document that gives impact factors for journals (or access to this)?  I'm looking for information relevant to revising my journal list.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Library Setup, etc.

I'm reposting this e-mail from Chris Sato to make sure people get to look at it & send her some feedback:

chris s said...
Hi Amy and allGreat job on this blog. I would really benefit from a core journal list for rehab. Our library is a small one with outdated books and until recently no journals. I am the Manager of HIM (medical records RHIA) and also a librarian (MLIS), so it's a challenge to get this library going on a shoe string budget. We (the Library Committee and Medical Director) are still trying to find the right model (decentralize to the units or centralize resources in the library) -- any ideas /wisdom on this? I'm curious as to others' library setup, usage, staff. Right now, the library is open by appt only. I primarily do the electronic literature searching and document delivery for staff and physicians. I'm with the Rehab Hospital of the Pacific in Hawaii. MLA09 will be here in Honolulu, so looking forward to meeting all of you.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Help: Collection Development

Hi Everyone,

As a recent grad, I'm tackling my first major overhaul of the library - long overdue! I'm looking for suggestions to efficiently tackle a top to bottom thorough purging and replacement. So I don't empty the shelves, I'm doing two passes - 1989 and older and then a second round, 2000 and older. Hopefully I'll have replacements in so the second round won't leave skimpy shelves! Also looking for access to other rehabilitation hospital library catalogues that I could use as a benchmark and guide to be sure I am covering all that I need to.


Another Intro

My name is Robb Mackes and I was Amy's partner in crime with the former Rehab Librarians SIG, so I'm very happy to see Amy continuing virtually what she started in the "real world." At the time, I was medical librarian at KMRREC (Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research & Education Corporation) in West Orange, NJ. I have since moved on from that position (twice!) and am now DelMIRA Project Coordinator/Electronic Resources Librarian at the Delaware Academy of Medicine in Newark, DE. But as anyone who knows Amy can tell you, even though I'm not a rehab librarian any more, once she's got you hooked, you just don't want to walk away!

I'm a recent transplant to Delaware, having lived in the Pocono and Lehigh Valley areas of Pennsylvania all my life. For over 10 years, I commuted into NJ between 60 and 90 miles one way to work. I now live 7 miles from work and am loving it...especially as gas approaches $4/gallon here. I like to travel, camp, read, play Pinochle, and spend time with my friends and family.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Journals: Core List and Shared Lists

I read an e-mail from Val Strantzen (REBLs - Australia) in which she was talking about "compiling journals lists which we think appropriate for the AFRM Training in Rehabilitation Medicine Reading Lists." A number of years ago, Kate Kelly (formerly Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital - Boston, MA; currently, Royal College of Surgeons - Dublin, Ireland) and I published a core list of journals for rehabilitation collections in National Network. I have pondered updating this list and would be interested in knowing if this would have any value to the group. I've done the lion's share of the work in the past, so updating it would not be that difficult.

Also, I'd love to develop a list of "who owns what." That way, if we are in need of an article, we could direct the ILL request to one of our members via Docline (here in the States) OR assist our colleagues abroad via EDD. What do you think? If you are interested, you all have my work e-mail address and can start sending me those lists. I'll enter into an Excel spreadsheet and post on the Blog (or send to you individually if that's better).